When it comes to LinkedIn, most undermine the true power that it has to offer. It’s unique in that it can be used precisely to your profession, and that holds true to the machining and manufacturing industry. There is hardly a better networking tool out there that you can utilize to meet, interact, and discuss new opportunities with other machining and manufacturing experts. Let’s outline a few ways:
The first thing you’ll want to do is add a professional image. If you plan for someone to take you serious, you’ll want to look professional. A good way to get blocked is to have a blank space when it comes to your profile picture. People want to see who they are interacting with. Keep it clean, look professional, and you’re onto the next phase.
The second thing you’ll want to do is fill out your profile. Don’t be afraid to go into detail. Are you a machinist? Do you work in a machine shop? Did you take any machining classes? How much experience do you have? What are your goals? The more, the better. If you really want to take your profession to the next level, show it. What you put in, is what you get out. Other machining professionals are looking to take the next step and network as well. If you’re on their level, your much more likely to engage in meaningful discussion.
The next thing you’ll want to do is start connecting with other machinists or manufacturers. Don’t spam people. Engage with them and let them know why you’d like to connect. Introduce yourself well. Let them know who you are and what you do. Look for others with similar credentials. If your opening message is professional and worded well, you’ll have a great percentage on your connection requests. Don’t be shy. This is an excellent way to connect with other machining professionals all over the country, and heck, all over the world. You’d be surprised with how many are out there in your shoes.
Once you’ve done this, look for others that you have worked with, or worked for. If you’ve worked in other machine shops, connect with them. Ask anyone that you have worked with or for, for a recommendation. This is a great way to start adding to your portfolio. This builds credibility. Think about it. If you’re out looking around, what better selling tool than to have many others recommending you. Do great work, build great relationships, and keep expanding.
The last thing I would like to recommend is to share content. Show off yourself. Show your work. STAY ACTIVE. The more people see you on the feed, the more likely you are to eventually engage in conversation. If you don’t stay active, it’s easy to be forgotten. Hundreds of others are posting every single day. Show off everything you have from the small achievements to the large. Post on others threads. Congratulate others. Ever heard the saying—negativity feeds negativity? It’s true the other way around too—positive minds feed off of each other. Be in that category.
Hopefully these tips have you well on your way. The machining industry is huge, so dive in and engage.